We are asking the NSW State Government for $100 million to build 160km of connected shared walking and cycling paths across the Hunter region, and we need your help!

The CSN is run by a group of volunteers who are incredibly passionate about building safe connected shared paths in our region, but we can't do it alone...

How to get involved

1. Volunteer a little time

If 100 people donate 3 hours of their time before June 2016, we have an excellent chance of success!

Could you give a couple of hours to help with the campaign? We need help with things like social media, community engagement (market stalls, handing out flyers etc), managing the website, coordinating letters to politicians, building partnerships and spreading the word!

2. Donate a little money

Imagine if you donated $10 now, and in 5 years' time had active travel pathways connecting you to any destination in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie!

We need to raise funds for administration costs such as printing, advertising (mostly on facebook), running events and running stalls to get out into the community. Plus, we are researching the benefits of the CSN and building a business case!

We have received grants from the Heart Foundation and Newcastle Cycleways Movement, but we need your help. Please donate a few dollars to help us!

Please transfer your donation using the following details:

Bank: National Australia Bank
Account: Hunter CycleSafe Network
BSB: 082-748
Account: 89-162-5230
Description: please supply your full name or business name
Tax status: At present we are not a tax deductible organisation, though we are working towards it.

Thank you note and receipt: email .

3. Share the CSN with your community!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter    #CSN4me

4. Sign our Petition

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